Friday, April 19, 2013

Sesame Seared Salmon with Asparagus Slaw

Today has been a pretty good day, if I don't say so myself. Woke up (SORE AS SHIT) and headed down to the gym for Benchmark Fridays. So every Friday for the next while we are doing benchmark wods. Today's was "Barbara", I'm just going to say that I was nauseous and didn't want to move for like 30 minutes afterwards. And I did ring rows cause I have hamburger hands, don't judge me. Anywho... I didn't move. I sat in my car in the Fred Meyers parking lot for 20 minutes with my seat heaters on while I drank my protein shake.

I don't have pictures for todays post, I need to get in the habit of being a picture person again. Sorry. I will work on it.

Soooo.....Once I got my lazy bum into the store it was GO time. I got things for a gigantic delicious green salad and vegetable tray I am making for my baby sisters BABY shower tomorrow. Awwww! I'm going to be an aunty! I'm pretty excited about this. Minus a few things, like, poop, pee and vomit...oh and crying. I also bought my sister a few items off her registry list that she needed.

Once I got home I cooked up some ground turkey and cracked 3 eggs over it with a handful of baby kale and spinach! YUM! Seriously the best breakfast. I love it EVERY TIME I make it. Then it was nappy time. Or at least an attempt for a nap. The pups weren't having it. It's fine. Guess I didn't need one that bad.

So at our box, CrossFit GP, we are doing a nutrition challenge. Every week, Corrie and Anna give a recipe suggestion. I recommend you guys make it, cause obviously its going to be amazing. They are both FAB cooks. This weeks is salmon and slaw. I don't know about you guys but slaw is my favorite thing to eat in the entire world. it can be any kind of slaw too. NOM NOM NOM. I could eat slaw for breakfast, lunch and dinner and be as happy as a clam. :)

Here's the recipe friends, make it! It's delicious and nutritious. Hope all of y'all have a stupendous weekend!

Sesame Seared Salmon with Asparagus Slaw
Makes four servings

  • 1 bunch asparagus, trimmed
  • 8 radishes, trimmed
  • 1 carrot, peeled
  • 1 fennel bulb, trimmed
  • 1 tbs. chopped fresh dill
  • Zest and juice of one lemon
  • 2 tbs. olive oil
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/3 cup sesame seeds
  • 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper (optional)
  • 4 salmon fillets, skin on
  • 2 tbs. ghee (clarified butter)
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
For the slaw: Slice the asparagus, radishes, carrot and fennel thinly by hand, with a mandoline, or with a fine-slicer blade in a food processor. Toss with chopped dill, lemon zest and juice, and olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. Chill the slaw while you prepare the salmon.
For the salmon: Toss the sesame seeds in a shallow bowl with the cayenne pepper (if you are using it). Season the salmon with salt and pepper, and press the side without skin into the sesame seeds to coat. Heat the ghee in a heavy ovenproof skillet over high heat and add the salmon, sesame-seed-side down. Sear the salmon until the sesame seeds are browned, about one to two minutes. Turn heat down to medium, flip the salmon fillets over, and sear the skin side for one to two minutes. Transfer the salmon to the oven to finish, about five to 10 minutes depending on how you like it. Serve with the asparagus slaw.
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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

It's been a while....

Oh hey there, writing a blog post? THIS IS CRAZY-NESS.

I know, I know.

I feel that I have had a nice little vacay from blogger. But it's time to get back to babbling about my life and food and training. I mean for what it's worth the "Love Languages" book says I am a babbling Brooke, so may as well roll with it, right?!

Lets see...what's new with me? Well I am sure there's a ton but its just still same ol same ol me. Always something interesting going on in my life. Like the fact that in just 8 DAYS, Scott and I will be sipping margs in MEXICO! BOOM!! I'm not excited at all...its going to suck. Just joking, Shheesh!! But really, its going to be awesome and I couldnt be more excited to be spending the time with my lover.

Holy geez! My dogs are so annoying. Oliver has a new "little man syndrome" dog attitude. He gets in my planter beds (so he's tall enough) and tries to kill the neighbor Pomeranians. Those little puff balls have such a yappy little bark. ArrghhH! Obviously this is happening at this very moment and that's why I am venting to the blog-o-sphere. :)

Soooooooooooo, I am not 100% paleo at the moment. Who am I!?? I'm trying out the whole Carb Backloading thing. Which means I get to eat sweets at night time. WHICH IS AWESOME. Like last night I ate a white chocolate macadamia nut cookie and a Reese's peanut butter cookie AND a scoop of ice cream. I made these cookies on Monday. There's probably 132 cookies in my house right now. I get excited just thinking about them. I have been sharing, don't you worry your little tummy. Although I forgot to give Beau his. I'm sorry Beau.

Right now I am cooking up a storm. I'm making chicken soup for my sicky friend, Corrie. Some delicious sweet basil and oregano chicken with plum tomatoes for lunch and I need to get dinner started. Not totally sure what that will be....Maybe steak and broccoli. BORING. But I love broccoli. Its my #1 favorite vegetable.

As far as my training has been going, I have been doing a strength training program on top of my regular training for about 2 months now. Its been great! I feel like I am getting alot stronger, and not to mention muscles popping out is an added bonus! WINNING! I have made a goal to myself to try and do the programmed wods as RX. Now I don't do them ALL RX, but I get as close as possible. If I tell Scott the night before that I want to he does a pretty good job at holding me accountable for it the next day when i try to be a sissy pants. Thanks babe! Like yesterday, CFGP did this wod....

10 minute AMRAP
15 Burpees
10 Power Cleans 135/95
Rest 2 minutes
5 Minute AMRAP
20 Toes to Bar
5 Box Jumps 30/24

I did it RX and got 96 reps on the first 10 minutes! That's a pretty big landmark for me considering the open wod that had power cleans in it I had a not so easy time. So needless to say, I am excited. But NEED to say that my power cleans are ugly. I'm definitely going to have to work on those. I cried about it last night. Someone videoed my wod and well, I didn't really want to see that. But now that I have calmed down from my pitty party its time to work on them and overcome my weaknesses right? RIGHT!

No recipe today, just wanted to say ELLO! (in a British accent at a volume of 12 out of 10)

Have a happy, happy, happy day!
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